Hello, 2014! I'm ready to make this a brilliant, positive year. Emphasis on the positive.
I'm not one for resolutions. We're all a work in progress -- there's always something to work on and improve. Ali Edward's One Little Word project is really a yearlong journey where you choose one word you want to incorporate into your everyday life. Call it a mantra, a touchstone, a theme song -- but call it yours.
For 2013, I chose the word "open." And you know what? It worked for me. I opened myself up to new things, experiences, and people. I made a conscious effort throughout the year to stay open. I made a ton of new friends, tried a few things that were outside of my comfort zone, took a solo trip for my 40th birthday, and accomplished plenty of other personal touchstones.
My word for 2014?
To me, this has several connotations: a positive outlook, positive self-talk, surrounding myself with positive people and positive words. As the year goes on, I'll share some of the journey on the blog. It isn't always easy. Nothing really worth having ever is.
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