Monday, May 18, 2015

8x8 Gallery // 365 Project: Week 17

I've committed to a photo-a-day project this year. Three hundred sixty five photos. Every single day. No latergrams (what we call photos taken more than a day earlier in the Instagram world). The project was inspired by Myk Little, one of several photographer friends I've made via the Instagram community in Chicago. Here's week 17: 

113: #BlueSkyBlooms

114: Reflections. This was the last photo I took with my Samsung Galaxy S4! 

Missing a photo -- #115 is a shot of my shiny new iPhone6, shot with my Nikon. 
116: Sunshine (one of the first shots with my new iPhone6!)
117: Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. :John Muir
118: Tongue Out Tuesday

119: Love the work from outside the house season! 

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