Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Black & White Challenge

If you've followed my photography for a while, you know I love color, and I tend to avoid having people in my shots. I'm a patient shooter -- I've waited on paths until people are out of the frame just so I can get a "clean" shot. Maybe it's my inner introvert, or maybe it's because I don't like being photographed myself, but there's just something serene about photos of nature without any people in them. 

Last week, however, I was challenged to not only post five photos in black and white but also to include people in the shots. Oh, the humanity! I took a trip to the Morton Arboretum and got in a couple photos with people in them, and also dug through my files to find a few more. The challenge was a good exercise for me. Black and white photography can be really fun -- it tends to bring out details you may miss when the photo is in full color, and you can play with the shadows and light a bit more. 

As for including people in my photos? It's something I need to do more often. At first, I felt like a stalker, photographing people out minding their own business. Capturing candid moments. Going up to strangers and asking them if I can take their photograph? Way out of my beloved comfort zone. Which is exactly why I need to do it more often. 

Watch for more black & white -- and people -- in my photos now and then! 

My favorite of the five! The shadow + light turned out perfect. @ Meadow Lake (Morton Arboretum)

Jump! Action shot @ the Chicago Botanic Garden (back when it was warm out!). (The levitating guy on the right is the one who set me up for the B&W challenge. Thanks, Myk!)

Reflections. @ Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve.

Springfield Mile. Kenny, Bryan and Jake at 120+mph. Shot with DSLR.

Another favorite -- caught this pair in a stride-by at the Morton Arboretum.

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