Monday, April 7, 2014

weekend explorations

I found these beauties at the Morton Arboretum over the weekend. I don't think the purple burst of color has been such a welcome sight before! It's been a long winter. So happy to see these crocuses popping up on the east side.

No visit to the Arboretum is complete without a stop at the Spruce Plot -- at least for me. This forest is my favorite place at the Arb. There's just something about it that grounds me every time I set foot on the shaded path that leads into the plot. Maybe it's because I feel sheltered and protected there, or perhaps it's because the towering trees remind me that there are larger powers at work. Whatever the reason, I try to stop by this magical place once a month. The light -- and the photos -- are different every time.

I also tried my hand at a puddlegram -- much to the amusement of some unsuspecting hiikers. For the uninitiated, a puddlegram involves capturing a reflection in, well, a puddle. Search the tag on Instagram, and you'll find hundreds, if not thousands, of fantastic images. They do require some ungraceful squatting on city sidewalks and wooded paths so you can get the angle just right (without falling OR dropping your phone!)...and people WILL look at you funny. I'm pretty sure the hikers who happened upon me trying to frame this shot thought I was doing *something else* in the woods at first. Oh well...the things we do in the name of photography!

I'm looking forward to adding more green and blooms to my photos as spring unfolds.

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